THE TRUTH IS the levels of dysfunction and devastation everywhere now are so great we simply have to find the redeeming and psychologically healing understanding of our deeply troubled human condition — or all is lost!
Well, astonishing as it is, that 11th hour breakthrough has been achieved! As Professor Harry Prosen, a former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, has said, “I have no doubt Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition in his book FREEDOM is the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race.”
You can quickly verify that this great breakthrough that’s been needed to actually FIX THE WORLD has been achieved by watching the now famous UK-broadcast interview with Griffith at
Alongside the original WTM Centre in Sydney, Australia, over 70 World Transformation Movement Centres have already been established around the world to help bring everyone the now desperately needed all-relieving and all-explaining, FIX THE WORLD, biological understanding of the underlying issue in all of human life of our troubled human condition.
Visit the WTM’s Community page to learn more about the formation of these FIX THE WORLD WTM Centres. You can access the following examples of WTM Centre websites by clicking on their images below.
WTM Tweed Heads
founded by Colleen Fryar
website under construction
WTM Liverpool
founded by Jo Taylor
website under construction
WTM Manchester
founded by Rob Hannay
website under construction
WTM Plymouth
founded by Nick Rule
website under construction
WTM Truro
founded by John Nichol
website under construction
WTM Bialystok
founded by Mariusz Zaleski
website under construction
WTM Frankfurt
founded by Susanne Supper
website under construction
WTM Obdach
founded by Michi (Michael) Bärnthaler
website under construction
WTM Slovenia
founded by Ales Flisar
website under construction
WTM Ethiopia
founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis
website under construction
WTM Kimberley
founded by Alfred Khaziwa
website under construction
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